

271013 little update of my life :)

Aloha!imma back! :)

The level of laziness overload!
many things happen on those few months which i didn't update here. 
every things change 
my life is back to single
nothing much to share at here
close friends will know what had happen between us
if u don't know, just skip it. #noneofyourbusiness 

so many memories in this blog
and also many of posts stuck in draft which still haven't post out
confuse that should i ignore him and continue blog or just delete all those memories
and lastly i feel like continue to blog, ignore him, deleted him in my life but not those happy moments we had.
always appreciate anythings he did it to me.
even is good or bad, every single things make me grow up more

I know that it already pass half year I think -.-
which i should put it down
and my life still goes on perfectly with family and friends which everyday full of laughter!
I will blog this out is just maybe my emotional?
too bored ? hahaha!I still got one presentation and one assignment which due date is next week! LOL
just little updated la! nothing much.

Im so addicted into saving money!
Saving money had becomes my new hobby! *clap for myself*
last time ( I mean like last year) i started to save money is because of him. We are long relationship and i wish to save more money just to visit him at Singapore or buy him somethings.
I try to save every single money from my allowance just because of him!
BUT NOW I save money is not because of him, is for myself!
GIRLS : LEARN to LOVE YOURSELF more, if not no ones will love u too!
And should thanks him, if not i think im still like a kid, spending those parent hard earn money to buy those useless stuff, spend like a boss!
Gonna save more money to reach my target!
hahaha! :)

CIAO! continue my drama!